Camping Cabedelo is located in Viana do Castelo, Portugal. This campsite is one of 7 properties in this area. The customer rating of 6.4 makes this campsite an average choice for your holiday.
The official address of the campsite is Avenida Dos Trabalhadores, 4900 Viana do Castelo, Portugal. Or if you are using GPS coordinates, enter the following latitude and longitude coordinates into your preferred navigation device: 41.6788, -8.82305 Consider taking a brief detour to visit this campsite while traveling to or from Braga, Porto, or Vigo, it could be worth your while. For those exploring the europe_portugal_costaverde, Camping Cabedelo offers an excellent accommodation option. Make it your choice when visiting this stunning coastal area.
Address | Avenida Dos Trabalhadores, 4900 Viana do Castelo, Portugal |
Phone number | +351 258 322 042 |
Website | www.inatel.pt/ |