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Bideford Bay Holiday Park - Parkdean

Buck's Cross, EX39 5DU Bideford, UK -
Good 7.4 /10
1185 Reviews
Cafe-Bar-Restaurant Bideford Bay Holiday Park - Parkdean
Location Bideford Bay Holiday Park - Parkdean
Location Bideford Bay Holiday Park - Parkdean

Partner websites for Bideford Bay Holiday Park - Parkdean

These are our booking partners for Bideford Bay Holiday Park - Parkdean:

Dogs - Pets
Outdoor pool

Introduction of Bideford Bay Holiday Park - Parkdean

Bideford Bay Holiday Park - Parkdean is located in Bideford, UK. This campsite is one of the more popular out of 27 properties in this area. With a customer rating of 7.4 out of 10, this campsite is a good choice for your stay.

Accommodation types and sanitary facilities at Bideford Bay Holiday Park - Parkdean

You can book tourist pitch and camper pitch, when you stay at this campsite. Be on the lookout for any new offerings as properties strive to enhance their amenities to better serve travelers. This property has public sanitary facilities that you can use, including sanitary block, chemical toilet disposal point and hot water shower.

Fun things to do at Bideford Bay Holiday Park - Parkdean

While staying here your kids will be busy, they will enjoy the outdoor playground. No matter the weather conditions, if you're a fan of water activities, you'll be pleased to discover that there are outdoor and indoor pools ready for your enjoyment.

Is Bideford Bay Holiday Park - Parkdean pet-friendly?

Pet-friendly alert! This campsite extends a warm welcome to visitors and their dogs, making it the perfect destination for an outdoor getaway. Ensure you include your pet(s) as an option or note them in the booking form's text box. Each accommodation-type may have its own pet policy.

How to find Bideford Bay Holiday Park - Parkdean

The official address of the campsite is Buck's Cross, EX39 5DU Bideford, UK. Or if you are using GPS coordinates, enter the following latitude and longitude coordinates into your preferred navigation device: 50.9866056, -4.3570087 Consider taking a brief detour to visit this campsite while traveling to or from Plymouth, Swansea, or Cardiff, it could be worth your while. For the South Coast of England visitors Bideford Bay Holiday Park - Parkdean is a great choice. Stay here if you are visiting this beautiful coastal area.

Location and general information
Rules & regulations
Campfire allowed near accommodation or on pitch
Dogs - Pets
Dogs permitted
Reception - (Additional) Languages
Restaurant, bar, shop
Shops - Groceries
Camping Store
Public sanitary facilities
Hot water showers
Chemical toilet disposal point
Sanitary blocks
To rent or exchange
Cooking facilities
Washing-up sinks (cold water)
Kids & Teens
Outdoor playground
Swimming & Beaches
Indoor pool
Indoor swimming pool
Outdoor pool
Outdoor swimming pool
Brand, type and accommodation
Accommodation types
Tourist pitch
Camper pitch
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Partner websites for Bideford Bay Holiday Park - Parkdean

These are our booking partners for Bideford Bay Holiday Park - Parkdean:

Location of Bideford Bay Holiday Park - Parkdean

mapClick to show map
Buck's Cross EX39 5DU Bideford UK

Contact details Bideford Bay Holiday Park - Parkdean

AddressBuck's Cross, EX39 5DU Bideford, UK
Phone number+44 330 123 4850
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