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Cresswell Towers Holiday Park - Parkdean

Cresswell Road, NE61 5JT Morpeth, UK -
Good 7.8 /10
26 Reviews
Location Cresswell Towers Holiday Park - Parkdean
Beach Cresswell Towers Holiday Park - Parkdean
View Cresswell Towers Holiday Park - Parkdean

Partner websites for Cresswell Towers Holiday Park - Parkdean

These are our booking partners for Cresswell Towers Holiday Park - Parkdean:

Dogs - Pets
Mobile home

Introduction of Cresswell Towers Holiday Park - Parkdean

Cresswell Towers Holiday Park - Parkdean is situated in Morpeth, UK. This campsite is one of the more popular out of 10 options in this area. The customer rating of 7.8 out of 10 makes this campsite a very good choice for your stay.

Accommodation and sanitary facilities at Cresswell Towers Holiday Park - Parkdean

At this campsite you can choose from the following types of accommodation: mobile home. Maybe there are even some newly introduced accommodation types available since the properties are improving at such a rapid pace nowadays to meet the needs of the travelers.

Fun things to do at Cresswell Towers Holiday Park - Parkdean

Don't worry about activities for your kids. While staying here they will enjoy the outdoor playground. If you prefer indoor water activities, you'll be glad to discover that there is an indoor pool available.

How pet-friendly is Cresswell Towers Holiday Park - Parkdean?

Pet-friendly alert! This campsite extends a warm welcome to visitors and their dogs, making it the perfect destination for an outdoor getaway. Remember to include your pet(s) as an option or mention them in the booking form's text box. The pet policy may differ for each type of accommodation.

How to find Cresswell Towers Holiday Park - Parkdean

The official address of the campsite is Cresswell Road, NE61 5JT Morpeth, UK. Alternatively, if you're utilizing GPS coordinates, input the following latitude and longitude coordinates into your chosen navigation system: 55.2327109, -1.5430064 Consider taking a brief detour to visit this campsite while traveling to or from Newcastle upon Tyne, Sunderland, or Middlesbrough, it could be worth your while. If you're visiting the East coast of England, consider staying at Cresswell Towers Holiday Park - Parkdean. It's an ideal base for exploring the beauty of this coastal area.

Location and general information
Dogs - Pets
Dogs permitted
Reception - Services
Public phone booth
Reception - (Additional) Languages
Restaurant, bar, shop
Shops - Groceries
Camping Store
Wash & dry
Washing machine
Dance evenings / Evening entertainment
Kids & Teens
Outdoor playground
Swimming & Beaches
Indoor pool
Indoor swimming pool
Brand, type and accommodation
Labels / associations
4 stars
Accommodation types
Mobile home: 21-30
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Partner websites for Cresswell Towers Holiday Park - Parkdean

These are our booking partners for Cresswell Towers Holiday Park - Parkdean:

Location of Cresswell Towers Holiday Park - Parkdean

mapClick to show map
Cresswell Road NE61 5JT Morpeth UK

Contact details Cresswell Towers Holiday Park - Parkdean

AddressCresswell Road, NE61 5JT Morpeth, UK
Phone number+44 330 123 4850
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